Just like OneNote, it has a section/page structure as well, though it does it in reverse as compared to OneNote. The idea behind Teams Wiki is that you can use it to take notes. Right next to Posts and Files tabs is the Teams Wiki tab. Teams Wiki is a tab that appears in Microsoft Teams when you create a new team.

If you click Gear Icon > Site contents > Site Assets, you will see it there.

Physically, it lives in the Site Assets library on a given site. The link to OneNote is always prominently placed on the SharePoint Site navigation. When you create a new Team Site in SharePoint Online, your OneNote notebook is created automatically. OneNote has a very similar structure to that of a physical notebook with sections and pages, making the organization of notes very intuitive. I highlighted the OneNote app extensively in this post. What makes OneNote unique is that it allows you to capture all types of notes from text to images to audio. It is part of the MS Office suite, like Word, Excel, PowerPoint. OneNote is an application that allows you to take all kinds of notes. Both apps are highly visible from SharePoint and Teams and seem to serve the same purpose, so I would like to explain what they are and whether you should use one or another. In this post, I would like to explain the difference between Teams Wiki and OneNote.